Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Fun-filled Weekend

this past weekend was great i got to hang out with my friend and everything went well the family seemed to like him me and him played baseball and the first game we tied with a score of 0-0 the other game i won with a score of 7-0 we then played bowling he beat me the first game by 3 points but the other game i won but i cant remember the score we faced eachothe in tennis and he won all 3 games :( but oh well he hung out together hopefully i get to hang out with him again my mom also made orange flavored cakes with her new gadget called the perfect brownie maker it is AMAZING!! with the parlu team we have no idea how we did but i hope good we find out February 2 and maybe we might go to state :)

Friday, January 21, 2011


This past Wednesday my team had to stay after school for our Parli team contest. One of the teams that we were up against was my home school, and i knew at least 3 of the students. i hope that my group does go to state but i dont thnk we will since we did mess up several times and were the first group to present.  SO WISH THE PARLI TEAM OF WGD GOOD LUCK!!! this weekend i will probably be doing chores around the house and homework (studying for midterms). Today hopefully my friend will be coming over my house to hang out and meet the family. oh dear! lol :) we will play the different wii systems games that we have i hope that he does.

Friday, January 14, 2011

BPA Contests

This week we are working on our contests in web and graphic design. My two contests are the Web Site Design team and the Parlimentary team.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

School back in secession

This Monday we returned from our two week Winter break. I didnt want to wake up for school. My break was ok. I got to spend Christmas Eve over my Aunt's house. All the nieces and nephews either played Rockband on the Xbox or Dance Central on Xbox Kinect. I had so much fun playing them and I'm getting better at playing the guitar.